Sam Install No Homebrew
aws sam homebrew cli lambdaThe instructions to install SAM on the AWS site uses Homebrew. I use MacPorts locally on my Macbook and not much of a fan of Homebrew. The following explains how I install SAM for local Lambda development without Homebrew. Install python39 with macports 1 sudo port install python39 Create a Python virtual environment 1 2 3 mkdir -p ~/apps python3.9 -m venv ~/apps/python-aws-sam source ~/apps/python-aws-sam/bin/activate Once in your virtual environment, use pip to install SAM
AWS SAM LambdaInitialize a new Go Lambda project 1 sam init --runtime go1.x --name "example" Start a local server 1 sam local start-api --env-vars env.json Deploy the application 1 2 3 4 5 sam deploy \ --region "us-east-1" \ --stack-name example \ --s3-bucket somebucket \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM