bash cli jqString Interpolation Example 1 2 echo '{"page": 1, "values": [{"type": "pipeline_variable", "uuid": "{1c0b0da3-7b87-49f6-a855-167d91d1e5f1}", "key": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "value": "XXX", "secured": false}, {"type": "pipeline_variable", "uuid": "{11412dd1-226f-4842-bff8-9e109ea33df5}", "key": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "secured": true}, {"type": "pipeline_variable", "uuid": "{14f24ee9-991d-4eb6-86ef-5aa6ac3f1fa9}", "key": "STACK", "value": "sbx", "secured": false}, {"type": "pipeline_variable", "uuid": "{151fa167-4e2a-4020-9fdd-e8ab56d28d6d}", "key": "ACCOUNT", "value": "sbx", "secured": false}], "size": 4, "pagelen": 4}' | \ jq -r '.values[] | "\(.key): \(.uuid)"'
Sam Install No Homebrew
aws sam homebrew cli lambdaThe instructions to install SAM on the AWS site uses Homebrew. I use MacPorts locally on my Macbook and not much of a fan of Homebrew. The following explains how I install SAM for local Lambda development without Homebrew. Install python39 with macports 1 sudo port install python39 Create a Python virtual environment 1 2 3 mkdir -p ~/apps python3.9 -m venv ~/apps/python-aws-sam source ~/apps/python-aws-sam/bin/activate Once in your virtual environment, use pip to install SAM
Macos Installer
macos cliThe following command will list all the packages installed with Apple’s instaler 1 pkgutil --pkgs
dotnet cliList the dotnet SDK versions installed 1 dotnet --list-sdks List the dotnet runtime versions installed 1 dotnet --list-runtimes
AWS CLICloud Watch List logs in the last 30 minutes sorted desc by timestamp and return the last 10 messages 1 aws logs filter-log-events --log-group-name example-app --start-time $(( $(date '+%s') * 1000 - 1800000)) --query 'reverse(sort_by(events, ×tamp))[*]' | jq '.[:10][].message' EC2 List AMIs owned by Amazon 1 aws ec2 describe-images --owners self amazon List latest Ubuntu 20.04 amd64 AMIs 1 aws ec2 describe-images --owners 099720109477 --filters "Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.